Project ’ALPTER’

Interreg project ALPTER was conceived to counteract the abandonment of terraced agricultural areas in the alpine region, a problem that only during the last years has risen the attention of both institutions and population, for the loss of cultural heritage and the natural hazard that it can produce.

The project, co-financed in the framework of EU programme Interreg Alpine Space, started in 2005 with the the collection of data on 8 terraced areas, that now are being being elaborated to define procedures with regard to significant topics such as mapping, assessment of geological hazard, enhancement of agricultural production or promotion of tourism in terraced zones. Recovery works are meanwhile being realized in the study areas, to produce some examples of effective recovery of terraces to present and diffuse.

The first project international workshop was held in Genoa in 2005, while the second is scheduled for February 2007 in Venice. The project activities will conclude at the end of 2007: with the results two publications are foreseen - an ‘Atlas of terraced landscapes of the alpine region’ and a ‘Manual for recovery of terraces’.

Check the status of the project.



This initiative aims at linking institutions and associations from different sectors, involved in the fight against abandonment of terraced areas. So far the network counts more than 70 members, which can be localized from the above map. The members are organised into seven categories:

  1. Agriculture
  2. International body
  3. Local government
  4. Regional government
  5. Research
  6. Tourism
  7. Environment and landscape