Studies and practises from the Slovenian pilot area

Wide-ranging research activities have been carried out in the Slovenian study area, namely the Goriška Brda, in the western part of the country, where a recovery project has also been realized. The main results were presented in occasion of the project meeting held in Dobrovo (Goriška Brda) on the 12th and 13th of October, 2006.

Introduction to the pilot area

by Lucija Ažman Momirski, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

The location and the main geographical features of the pilot area are here described, with particular regard to the distribution of terraces.

Land use and land cover changes

by Franci Petek, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Ljubljana

The main land use and land cover changes occurred since 1819 have been analysed: a widespread abandonment of grassland and vineyard can be observed from the comparison between the historical and current data in the northern part of the study area, while in the Southern Brda vineyards, mainly cultivated on terraced slopes, have always been prevailing.

Geotechnical analysis of recovery lot

by A. Petkovšek, University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Geotechnical analyses investigate the main factors influencing terraced slopes stability, i.e. flysch behaviour (flysch represents the most common geolithological substratum), slope inclination and underground water level.

Landslide hazard map

by Blaž Komac, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Ljubljana

The study produced a landslide susceptibility map, by means of a model based on a number of selected factors, ranging from lithology to curvature, from precipitation to land use. The results suggest that about 3/4 of the whole area put into consideration is more or less prone to landsliding, while slope, dip of strata, depth of mobile material and human activities seem to be the most important controlling factors.

Manual for recovery of terraces

by Ivan Kodri?, Andreja Škvar?, Institute for Agriculture and Forestry, Nova Gorica

This practical manual for recovery or creation of vineyards and orchards terraced cultivations has been produced by the Institute for Agriculture and Forestry based in Nova Gorica, taking into account several factors such as slope inclination, technical features of machineries, precipitation, kind of cultivations to be grown and so on.

Description of the recovery project

by Tomaž Ber?i?, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture

The recovery project was completed in October, 2006. The intervention consisted in terracing an abandoned slope, where the historical land use will be re-established (i.e. vineyard).