The present situation of terraced mountain areas is such that agriculture can hardly sustain by its own the local economy. Tourism can become in this sense a major contribution to support the inhabitants, thanks to the appeal that terraced landscapes and open-air life can offer. So, this is an increasingly developing sector, as in all the Alps.
In Gorisk Brda it seemd to me that the works carried out by the project partners’ on the topic of tourism were becoming really interesting, giving now a strategic contribution to the project common work.
The results of the tourism questionnaire put in evidence some points that are important in considering the status of tourism promotion in terraced areas. These are a starting point for developing a kind of ’strategy’ for improving the actual situation, without thinking of turning terraceda reas in major tourism destinations, but emphasizing the point that can strengthen them.
The work on tourist landscape preferences, a most interesting model of analysis, can support the idea that terraces are important for the landscape that tourist like, and will also be useful to define the best actions for promotion, orienting them.
I think that in the next months, before the end of the year, it could be good fo the partners working on tourism to meet: we could discuss the points coming from their work to be included in a project strategy of promotion.
Luca Lodatti
Here below the questionnaire can be download as a Word document.
I’d like also to summarize what said in the work session in Genoa, to start a discussion.
The project is examining the role of quality tourism in terraced areas within the general tourism present framework:
Identification of demand for quality tourism in european countries
Definition of attractinveness and services offered by terraced areas (see questionnaire)
In particular, identification of the role of the terraced landscapes in the ’appeal’ of tourism areas
After developement of these base points, methods for tourism promotion in terraced areas will be object of the project.
Luca Lodatti
Regione Veneto
English text following
Qui sotto potete trovare il questionario che abbiamo presentato a Genova.
Prima di richiedere ai partner la compilazione in riferimento alle proprie aree pilota, restiamo in attesa di possibili proposte di modifiche o integrazioni del questionario stesso.
Per evitare ritardi, proponiamo alcune scadenze:
entro il 4 febbraio vanno inviate le proposte di modifica al questionario
entro fine febbraio va inviato il questionario compilato (nella versione decisa dopo la valutazione delle proposte di modifica).
Ritenete che tali scadenze siano adeguate o possono creare problemi?
Una volta raccolti i dati relativi alle diverse aree pilota, Irealp proverà ad unire i dati per dare un quadro di sintesi da cui potrà partire la nostra riflessione sul turismo.
English version
You can find here the questionnaire, we showed you in Genova.
Before asking to fill in the questionnaire about each pilot areas to the partner, we wait for your possible suggestions for changes or integrations of the questionnaire.
In order to avoid delays, we propose some deadlines:
within 4th February please send the proposals for changes of the questionnaire
within the end of February please send the compiled questionnaire (in the final version after the consideration of your change proposals).
Do you think that such deadlines are suitable or they could create some problems?
When Irealp has collected the data of different pilot areas, we will try to join the data in order to give a synthesis picture from which our reflection on tourism will be able to start.
* Quali sono le principali attrattive turistiche del territorio? (es. montagna, mare, terme, paesaggio, altro…)
* Dati recenti (ultimi 5 anni) relativi ad arrivi e presenze nei centri più prossimi (es. entro 15-20 km) all’area terrazzata in esame
* Presenza di strutture nell’area terrazzata:
Strutture ricettive
Rete di sentieri
Aree attrezzate (es. pic-nic)
Centri di degustazione
Aziende agricole aperte al pubblico
Fattorie didattiche
Strutture per lo sport
Siti di interesse culturale
SIC (Siti di interesse Comunitario)
* Esistono eventi, manifestazioni, sagre che si svolgono nell’area terrazzata? Quante persone attraggono?
* Esiste materiale informativo (dépliant, mappa dei sentieri, etc.) sull’area terrazzata?
* L’area è oggetto di particolari tutele culturali, ambientali, paesaggistiche (es. Patrimonio dell’Umanità Unesco)?
Sì, quali?
* Which are the main tourist attractions of the territory? (ex. mountains, sea, thermal baths, landscape, other...)
* Recent data (last 5 years) about tourist arrivals and presences (overnights stays) in the near towns (ex. distance 15-20 km) to the pilot terraced area
* Presence of structures in the terraced area:
Accomodation facilities
Network of paths
Area with tourist facilities (ex. pic-nic)
System of sign
Tasting centers
Farm open to visitors
Didactics farm
Sport facilities
Site of cultural importance
SIC (Site of Community interest)
Site of biological importance
Site of geological importance
* Are there any events, manifestations, festivals carried out in the terraced area? How many people do they attract?
* Does it exist informative material (dépliant, map of the paths, other…) about the terraced area?
* Has the area any particular protections about culture, landscape, environment (ex. UNESCO’s World Heritage)?
Yes, which?