Project meeting in Goriska Brda (Slovenia)

The 6th meeting of the partners of ALPTER Project took place in Goriska Brda (Slovenia) on the 12th and 13th of October, 2006. The meeting, which was organized by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, aimed at sharing the results so far achieved by the project partners, as well as debating methodological proposals on the main project topics. As usual, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Slovenian pilot area, where a recovery project has just been implemented.

Report from Regione Veneto
Report from Regione Liguria

Report from the University of Genoa
Report from IREALP and the University of Milan
Report from the BOKU University
Report from the Univ. of Ljublijana: introduction

Report from Anton Melik Geographical Institute: historical land use

Report from Anton Melik Geographical Institute: landslide hazard

Report from the Univ. of Ljublijana: geotechnical analysis

Report from the Institute for Agriculture and Forestry: manual for recovery

Report from the Univ. of Ljublijana: recovery works
Report from ADI
Report from Regione Val d’Aosta
Report form Regione Bregaglia