Example of studies on terraced areas from the Project Meeting in Austria

The 5th Meeting of the partners of Project ALPTER took place in Aigen-Schlagl (Upper Austria) on 8/9 May 2006, organized by BOKU University of Vienna. The meeting was aimed at evaluating the overall work realized by the project. The participants could also visit the Austrian study area.

At the bottom of the page the contributions from all of the partners can be downloaded.

Studies on terraced areas in the Municipality of Ulrichsberg (Upper Austria)

by Arne Arnberger, Christiane Brandenburg, Renate Eder from BOKU University, Vienna.

The presentation includes a very interesting historical analysis of the study area and the land use changes since 1828; a visualisation of different possible scenarios for the future of terraced sites.

Focus on the terraced sites in Odenkirchen

by Martin Kastner from the Regional Agricultural Department, Upper Austria.

The presentation mainly focuses on the agricultural land use of the terraced sites in Odenkirchen, Ulrichsberg (Upper Austria) (German version).

Mapping and project of recovery in Veneto Region

by Luca Lodatti (Veneto Region), Mauro Varotto and Enrico Fontanari (Univ. of VE and PD)

Description of the survey of terraced sites at regional level in Veneto and a pilot recovery project of a terraced area (borough of Mattietti).

Research activities in Lombardy by IREALP

by Lisa Garbellini, IREALP (Institute for Economic and Ecologic Research in the Alps)

Presentation of the process of data collection that is carried out using the project data-sheet in the study area of IREALP near Sondrio (Castione).

Study and training activities near Chiavenna by University of Milan

by Tiziana Apuani and others, University of Milan.

Contains an interesting description of the "Vocational training course for reuse, management and valorisation of terracing".

Development of the ’Rural landscapes’ project

by Maurizio Michael and Silvio Werder, Regione Bregaglia.

Description of how the pilot project ’Paesaggi Rurali’ (Rural Landscapes) is becoming a pilot experience of recovery in the Swiss study area (Italian version only).

The study area of project ALPTER in Austria

by Arne Arnberger, BOKU University - Vienna.

A short presentation the Austrian pilot area. The main environmental, social and economic features of the study region are described.

Examples of methodologies for calculating soil erosion

by A.D.I. - Association for Infographic Development.

Methodologies for calculating soil erosion are discussed, with particular regard to "RUSLE", i.e. the "Revisted Universal Soil Loss Equation" and its application to a study area.

Study in progress in the site of Granile

by A.D.I. - Association for Infographic Development.

The document describes one of the French study areas, namely the site of Granile. The area is affected by significant natural hazards, rock falls in particular.